Simple JS Snake Game

Website to play snake game

Released: Simple JS Snake Game

Javascript and Canvas

I was longing for sometime to build my own game, but wasn’t able to gather the much needed enthu to install and code a simple game in Unity. As uaual, my interest pulled me into learning a very simple game over web browsers and building a website to suport that. I got the code copied from Chris DeLeon’s YouTube video, so wont brag about that. Feel free to give it a watch:

Chris shows how easy it is to build a game in JS. He used a Canvas tag to render his game and used a setInterval to control the frame rate. Something like this:

// controls the frame rate of the game !!
setInterval(game, 1000 / 15);

For a moment, I was amazed at the simplification done by him!

My Idea

In short, Following is the reason I decided to develop this website:

  • Allow users to play games via swipe on mobile touchscreens

  • Show scores

As POC, I made a simple website to showcase this, here it is: JsSnakeGame.


  1. Passing callback on swipe:

     // Load this script
      * swiped-events.js - v1.1.4
      * @credits
      * @inspiration
      * @forked
     !function (t, e) { "use strict"; "function" != typeof t.CustomEvent && (t.CustomEvent = function (t, n) { n = n || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 }; var a = e.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return a.initCustomEvent(t, n.bubbles, n.cancelable, n.detail), a }, t.CustomEvent.prototype = t.Event.prototype), e.addEventListener("touchstart", function (t) { if ("true" ==="data-swipe-ignore")) return; s =, r =, n = t.touches[0].clientX, a = t.touches[0].clientY, u = 0, i = 0 }, !1), e.addEventListener("touchmove", function (t) { if (!n || !a) return; var e = t.touches[0].clientX, r = t.touches[0].clientY; u = n - e, i = a - r }, !1), e.addEventListener("touchend", function (t) { if (s !== return; var e = parseInt(l(s, "data-swipe-threshold", "20"), 10), o = parseInt(l(s, "data-swipe-timeout", "500"), 10), c = - r, d = "", p = t.changedTouches || t.touches || []; Math.abs(u) > Math.abs(i) ? Math.abs(u) > e && c < o && (d = u > 0 ? "swiped-left" : "swiped-right") : Math.abs(i) > e && c < o && (d = i > 0 ? "swiped-up" : "swiped-down"); if ("" !== d) { var b = { dir: d.replace(/swiped-/, ""), xStart: parseInt(n, 10), xEnd: parseInt((p[0] || {}).clientX || -1, 10), yStart: parseInt(a, 10), yEnd: parseInt((p[0] || {}).clientY || -1, 10) }; s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("swiped", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, detail: b })), s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(d, { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, detail: b })) } n = null, a = null, r = null }, !1); var n = null, a = null, u = null, i = null, r = null, s = null; function l(t, n, a) { for (; t && t !== e.documentElement;) { var u = t.getAttribute(n); if (u) return u; t = t.parentNode } return a } }(window, document);
     // Add an event handler
     document.addEventListener('swiped', swipe);
     // Add a handler function
     function swipe(e) {
                 if (!(e && e.detail && e.detail.dir)) {
                     console.log("No good direction detected in the swipe callback.");
                 switch (e.detail.dir) {
                     case "left":
                         // Do Something
                     case "up":
                         // Do Something
                     case "right":
                         // Do Something
                     case "down":
                         // Do Something
                         console.log("Invalid swipe: " + e.detail.dir);
  2. Show scores:

    From within the setInternal’s callback, we can access any document.Element and change its properties including innerText.

I felt it was straightforward to implement and does not have many dependencies to slow me down. Having a simple website to speak text works just fine for my use cases. I felt it would be super awesome to have following features - which would be a value add:

  • Speed controls
  • Ability to change snake and apple with other images/gifs. Adding a human face could make it viral!
  • Speak audio samples while changing voices
  • Adding some Audio

For my demo, the source is hosted on GitHub repo: JsSnakeGame, quick sneak peek is below:

Game Play Preview

javascript website browser

Dialogue & Discussion